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Meet the sceptics

"Barack Obama may be worried about greenhouse gases - but not everyone is. Suzanne Goldenberg reports from this week's gathering of climate change deniers"

Category: Climate Change


Junk alert for space station crew

"The crew of the International Space Station has been forced to shelter in the Russian Soyuz capsule after a close call with a piece of space debris."

Category: Space


The bumpy road to harnessing truck power

"Nobody likes driving along a bumpy road. But to Shakeel Avadhany and Zack Anderson, both students at MIT, the bumps mean one thing - wasted energy. By using new, energy-harvesting shock absorbers, they're hoping to produce a 10%...


Severe global warming will render half of world's inhabited areas unliveable, expert warns

"Parts of China, India and the eastern US could all become too warm in summer for people to lose heat by sweating, expert warns"

Category: Climate Change


£50bn of European investment needed to kick-start Saharan solar plan

"Government investment worth £50bn would convince private companies that power from the Sahara solar scheme is feasible and attractive option, expert says"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 1391 to 1395 out of 2977